Thursday, 28 November 2013

1st magazine draft progress update

This is the start of my music magazine progression. At the moment I am in the middle of creating my
magazine cover and at the start of creating my contents page. At the first the magazine itself was going to be based around the pop genre. though the style of the magazine was becoming a mixture of pop and indie.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Questionare Responses

Here are the results of the questionnaire that I created. Now that I have the responses, I am able to produce my college magazine based of the questions that were answered. Before creating the questions that were to be asked, I have tried to base them on the different types of psycho-graphic profiles. these include;
belonger- People who feel that they should belong in a group in order to feel apart of something. The people in these groups like to be with they're families and friends. They are also know to be loyal to the brands they use. I came up with two questions that would best pull out these people from a group.
one being; whose advice would you most likely take? the second being; when buying a magazine or news paper? the options for this was a different brand every time, the same every time. lastly most popular at the time.
achiever - For the achiever they want to not have to be categorised into a group and want to be able to be successful in the future. I have created a few questions to pick out these people. questions about what they want in life for the future and the type of car they are wanting to drive.

By doing so this helps to get a clear idea of what types of audiences will read the magazine and those who wont, while also being able to produce a magazine suitable for the audiences needs and expectations.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

music conventions

Magazine Conventions. by TheaBell">Here is my music conventions power point I have created. The power point is based on the different types of magazines that are produced by billboard. This goes into detail about the style housing and how links can be made within the text and the  main article feature. other points that are made in the presentation is the colour schemes used and how Billboard make they're cover differently each time.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

music magazine photo shoot evaluation

I had decided on using Pink and Purple balloons as the prop for my photo shoot. I feel the shots that were taken were good ran smoothly and linked well to the genre of magazine i'm wanting to create, which is a pop as well as a mix of indie. However I feel that in order to get the right effect for the photos, was to take into thought about the use of costume and what would fit best, as the background fits the pop genre well.Though the type of clothing the model is shown wearing in the picture, would be classed as fitting with indie instead of pop.

Picture 1

I took the shot with the model and with the set background that will be used with my inside article of my music magazine. I believe that the lighting is used well in the shot and not over used to make a glare. I believe that in order for this to be a pop magazine, the costume should have been given more thought. Another note is that even though the background fits pop, the costume is more fitted to indie. The shot of the model is a medium close up and at eye level with the model.

Pictures 2 and 3

They are both shots of the background. I have taken them to show how the background would be set, before placing the model in the shot that has been set up for the music magazine. They are both set similar yet different layout of the balloons.

Pictures 4,5,6 and 7

These are shots of the prop that was used in the photo-shoot. This is so that I can see how the balloons would be in the lighting that was set. Another reason is that I can cut these images of the balloons out easily if needed to, so that if i wanted to use the balloons for my cover, I can place some on my music magazine.

Friday, 1 November 2013

music magazine plan

  This is the plan layout of my music magazine. The top page is what my cover will look like once finished. The second page in the centre is the layout plan of my main article. Lastly is the contents page.